
Thursday, April 19, 2012

DIY Jump Ring Chain

I am going to show you how to make a jump ring chain! It's super easy, really it really're gonna say "wow, really that's it??" ok so you are going to need...

  •  wire (I got mine at the hardware store)
  • round nosed pliers
  • wire cutters
  • pencil (I used a colored pencil)

wrap your wire around your pencil. try to wrap it as tightly as possible

when you have the desired amount of loops you can cut the wire so that it lines up with the cut end at the top

then just cut each ring and ta-da! you now have jump rings!

now you can connect your rings together and make a necklace or a bracelet or key chain or....whatever your little heart desires! you can make different sized rings just by finding different things to wrap your wire around, for example the end of a wooden spoon!

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