
Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend!

Ok well our weekend started out on Saturday when Brian and I went to Bend to go shopping and then we met up with our friend Megan in Bend and saw one of the funniest movies ever, Grown Ups. So I found this dress at Target that was originally marked at $79.99....I know crazy, well it was on clearance for $39.98 and when the checker rang it up it rang up to $19.98!! I was sooo excited. Apearantly I was having a lucky day hitting sale racks because at Fred Meyer I found this other dress that was originally marked at $48.00 then marked down to $34.97 and can you guess what it rang up as...yup you guessed it $17.49!! I've been looking for nice dresses because lately we've been going to plays and operas and such. Here are some pictures of the dresses. Then on Sunday We went and visited his mom and my mom and then we went to our friend Megan's house for dinner and to do some fireworks. What was cool was that from her house you could see the Prinville's fireworks.  

This is the one I got at Target and it has like this removable skirt thing so it can be worn like this
or this...

This one I got at Fred Meyer

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